Eaton Data Access

This is a website to summarize the Spring 2019 Capstone project at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez

Meet the Team

Jady Urbina

Computer Science and Engineering Student

Kenneth Padró

Computer Science and Engineering Student

Jahn Carlo Marrero

Computer Science and Engineering Student

Dr. Manuel Rodríguez

Project Supervisor

Project Foundation

The Client

Eaton manufacturing company located at Las Piedras, Puerto Rico

The Goal

To have the full stack development experience and deliver a minimal viable product that can evolve into a bigger application

The Product

A web app that compiles the job of an existing Microsoft Access solution

Why use this solution?

At the moment, it takes a large amount of time to input machinery data into a Microsoft Access database. The process starts when every worker writes up machinery data into paper, which is then collected by a coordinator. Then, a data entry assigned will input by hand that data into Access, which is currently accessible through computers in the company, non mobile devices. This limits the availability of up to date data of production. Naturally, problems like incongruence and data accessibility are born from these interactions. In addition, the database is not accessible through other devices which can be done by using a web based database. The problem is very specific, but with a modular focus it is open to future features and further modification for the clients needs. The goal for this project is to, firstly, provide an easy-to-use UI for workers and supervisors to have a platform they can communicate easily and even on real time as the data is recorded. Also, providing a database service such as SQL, that can make the data accessible by any device connected to the internet, making it easier to access by anyone with the required permissions.

Eaton DAS (Data Access Solution)

EatonDAS is a Web App that simplifies data management services according to the company's needs. It only takes the elements your company or manufacture line uses for data control and optimization and puts it in one place on the web. This then provides ease of access for capable employees from anywhere, protects against database lockouts and provides easy manipulation of already recorded data.

Technology Used

We took advantage of having to do this project to learn many new things. This slowed the proccess of development a bit since we had to invest time into learning the technologies we would use, but in the end, it payed off because we took new skills from the experience to apply to our jobs.


ReactJS is one of the most demanded front-end development languages in the industry

Material UI

This front-end library helps make applications look more apealing


Flask provides an easy way to create APIs to connect front-end and back-end components


PostgreSQL makes it easier to work with databases

It is important to denote that neither of us had any experience with the front-end technology used, and that the team took advantage of this Capstone to learn new technology that is being used in the industry

Project Planning

In this stage, it was important to apply what we have learned in the courses of this Bachelor's. Since we were working with a full stack project, it was important that we organized our deliverables in modules. It was also important that these modules were deliverable in the amount of time we worked on this project for the semester. It was crucial that every single module was feasible. Our last but not less important goal was to have a project that our colleague Kenneth Padró can keep working on as an employee of Eaton.

Modules Definition

Module 1

Implement login and register functionalities based on access roles. Discuss and plan web app screenflow.

Module 2

Implement database based on ER Diagrams. Create API to access database and connect to front end. Make sure the right roles get the right info. Implement basic front end navigation as Microsoft Access solution already used by Eaton.

Module 3

Testing phase. Create tests to make sure the application sustains basic functionality. Make sure application is deployable on remote server so further improvements can be made even after semester is over.

Project Gantt Chart

This chart was done to keep track of what we did up until whatever date was scheduled and what things we should have done for next deliverable modules. It is a simple aplication of knowledge acquired in courses like Software Engineering and Software Design.

ER Diagrams

These ER Diagrams served as the model to design the Data Base for our Web App. We used skills learned in the Data Bases course, part of the Computer Science and Engineering Bachelor's.

Wire Frames

The Wire Frames were extracted from the current working Microsoft Access solution that Eaton is currently using. Our job was to modernize it and give it a fresh look, hence using Material UI.

Value Proposition

Enterprise Resource Planning

Our solution is part of a bigger Enterprise Resource Planning idea that can help Eaton in the future. Machine by machine data entry is very costly for Eaton, as it is done by a human and can produce human errors. This process can smoetimes take weeks, and data may be needed before that time frame.


This project can evolve into something grater. Programmable Logic Controllers can be added for autmated input of data, and a great entry for Eaton into the Enterprise Resource Planning market can be made. This market is expected to exceed US$ 49.50 Billion by 2024. Also, patents to this product under the Eaton company can be fetched, offering other companies and manufacturers a similar solution by monetizing Eaton Data Acess Solution.

Benefit for the Company

Eaton Data Access Solution will aid the company into evolving and protecting their data. Not only it will be safer to access the database, but it will bring control over who and from where employees can access it.

The Learning Process : Preparing for the Real World

Jahn Marrero

This project helped me to summarize everything I have learned in my Computer Science and Engineering Bachelor's degree at UPRM. It helpeld me realize that every stage of the software development process is very important for the quality of the final product. I loved learning new things while doing a project that was meaningful for my real world preparation.



Jady Urbina

[email protected]


Kenneth Padró

[email protected]


Jahn Carlo Marrero

[email protected]


Dr. Manuel Rodríguez

[email protected]